Ever wondered if it's still possible for you to grow taller after 18?

This Olympic Athlete will show you the exact system he used to grow over 6 inches taller...

after puberty!

So if you’re an 18 - 25-year-old male and still haven’t given up on growing taller, then you might still have a shot to increase your own height using the same system…

  • Learn about the ONE IMPORTANT STEP that he calls the “Key” to growth (that you probably never heard of...)

  • Find out one common thing that many guys do (and that you might already be doing as well...) that’s causing your growth plates to close at a faster rate.

  • Learn the science behind why height growth after puberty is still possible.

  • You’ll also come across the single method that had the greatest impact on his post-puberty height growth.

  • And for the first time ever, his complete system for height growth (originally only available in Russian), has now been officially translated into English!

  • “He” says he’s confident that as long as you put in the effort (and do the right things), you can grow taller too!

Without further ado, let’s dive into this unique system and why it works.

And most importantly...

How it could work for you too!


This is important to point out BEFORE you go any furter...

This is not a "get tall quick" shortcut you can find online.

If you think you can grow two inches in the next week, then I'm sorry to say this but his system is not for you...

Because it'll take you several months to gain those those desired inches in height.

Also, if you're over 25 years old, then chances are it’s too late for you to grow taller naturally.

I’m not here to mislead you and tell you that you can grow at any age, like some other fake and ‘unproven’ gurus claim.

BUT hear me out…

Because there might still be a chance for you to gain about an inch using one of the methods inside this system.

“He” says that it's possible to get around 0.5 - 1 inch even in your 30s by using this same scientifically proven method for yourself (and yes, there’s actually research behind it).

However, if you're over 25 and you don't want to spend your time only to grow an extra inch, then again, this system is not for you.

Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now...

  • Who is this mysterious Olympic athlete?

  • How did did he get himself to grow more than 6 inches after puberty?

  • And most importantly, how can I use the same system to grow taller myself?

Don’t worry, you’ll learn all about it today.

But before we get to that, I’d like to make sure that you and I are on the same page.

Let me ask you...

Who would you rather be?

Let’s face it.

You’re short.

And since you're short, you already know exactly how shitty it feels to belong in the “short guys” category...


So you start thinking to yourself…

"Life would have been so much better if I had just been born tall."

"I wouldn't always be so anxious about my height."

"I’d naturally attract women."

"I’d be more respected by other people."

"I’d be better at sports."

"I'd feel confident in my own body."


My life could have been so much better, you think to yourself.

You hate to admit it, but...

Let’s face it.

You’re short.

And always being seen as “the short guy” is not something you’re happy about.

And how could you be?!

How could any short guy be happy about being small?

Every time you go out, you're always looking from left to right – finding people to compare your height with.

And you also know that everyone else is comparing and judging you based on your height.

Especially women...

And when you see someone younger than you...

But at the same time, he's:





And it turns out that you become the one who looks younger...

You try straightening out your back.

Hoping to appear a tiny bit taller.

Of course, you realize it doesn't help much...

But you still always feel the need to do it anyway.

Then you start feeling like you’re:

"Not Good Enough"

Like you’re:

"Less of a Man"

You can especially feel this when you’re around guys who are larger and taller than you.

You feel like a boy standing next to a man.

Crazy, right?

And it hits you right in the gut.

Knowing everyone else sees it the same way you do...

It sucks when people just don’t take you as seriously.

It’s hard to stay confident in front of a crowd when you know how much height matters in today’s society.

How much everyone cares about it…

How much you’re being judged because you’re short…

And don’t get me started on when you’re the shortest one in the group.

Or when you’re around a girl who’s taller than you.

It just makes you feel...

Less Masculine

Not to mention going to a party with your tall friend, and all of a sudden, all the girls just end up only talking to him...

Making it seem as though you don’t exist at all.

So you’re just left there all alone....

Feeling like shit.

Feeling worthless.

“I wish I was just a bit taller.”

“I hate being treated like this just because I’m short.”

You pretend not to care...

Like it doesn’t affect you...

You don’t want others to think that you’re so insecure about your height.

But deep down inside...

It's all you ever think about.

Just thinking about it makes you feel:







Worst of all?

You feel Less Masculine.

Like you’re more of a “boy,” than a man.

All because you’re shorter than other guys...

It’s too bad that height matters.

You just want to be seen as equal...

You just want to have the same opportunities...

But when you’re short, you’ll always just be seen as:

"The Short Guy"

And you’ll never be treated the same way as those taller guys.

It's scary thinking that you might be short for the rest of your life...


This is the one single thought that you refuse to admit...

Because if you admit it, you'll feel like the rest of your life won't be as great as it could have been...

It's a crushing feeling...

You know just how shitty the rest of your life will be if you remain as you are now.

Just how much of a disadvantage you’ll be in…

How many opportunities you’ll miss…

The fact that you won’t be able to live your best life.

All because of your height.

All because you're short.

And it hurts!

So some guys would rather just not think about it...

They bury their heads in the sand and convince themselves that height is not as important as they think...

Wishing all this was not true.

But you’re different!

That’s why you’re here.

That’s why you’re reading this right now.

And why you'll keep reading until the end.

So that you don't miss anything important that could be your key to growing taller!

Because you know just how much height matters.

And you’re not hiding from the fact that you're short.

Instead, you're choosing not to give up until you’ve done everything in your power to grow taller!

You’re not going to ignore your one last chance to increase your height.

“I won’t accept it. I’ll do anything to be taller!”

And that’s the kind of attitude you need to have if you’re serious about growing a few more inches in height.

Because it is only those who believed they could, and were willing to put in the effort to make it happen, that would end up seeing REAL results.

If they never tried...

If they never believed they could do it...

Would they still have grown taller?

Or would they have just remained short for the rest of their lives?

Are you going to leave it up to chance?

The guys who just accepted their height and gave up on any shot of getting taller will never receive any of the benefits that you’ll get when you grow taller!

You'll often hear guys like this (guys who gave up), say things like:

Growing taller after puberty is all a scam!

It's impossible to increase your height on your own. Don't even try.

Just accept your height, you can't change it.

Being short is actually not that bad...

Since they stayed short, they convinced themselves (and try to convince everyone else) that it’s impossible to make yourself grow taller in the first place...

EVEN if they could have grown a few more inches!

(If only they'd just belived and done everything in their power to make it happen...)

But it is possible!

Still possible to grow taller after puberty...

It's been done countless times by guys just like you.

The short guys who gave up, completely ignore the hundreds of examples of people growing taller after puberty.

(and you'll get to see all of these examples later on)

Let's be honest here...

If you’re not actually trying to grow taller...

If you’ve already gave in and accepted that you’ll be short for the rest of your life...

Then you don’t need to keep reading any further.

Because this isn't for you...

This is only for those who'd do whatever it takes to get taller!

You didn’t choose the body you were born into.

But that doesn't mean you just have to give up on yourself!

That doesn’t mean you have to accept staying short for the rest of your life!

You didn’t choose the body you were born into...

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do everything in your power to change that!

To make yourself grow taller!

In a perfect world, height wouldn't matter

We'd all be able to get along just fine...

No matter if you were short or tall.

Tall men and short men would be treated the same.

And hot women would be attracted to short guys.

Too Bad...

Too bad that’s not the world we live in.

We must accept reality as it is, not as we wish it was.

You probably heard people say things like:

Height doesn’t matter.

Short guys are just overthinking it, height isn't that important.

Why do you care so much about your height?

Or some more annoying ones like:

Just accept how short you are, you can't do anything about it.

Own your height. Stop being so insecure about it.

I don’t know about you...

But I absolutely hate it when I hear this crap!

And the funny thing is...

The only people you’ll hear say this garbage are:




These are the same exact people who you don’t want to listen to.

It’s either someone that doesn’t know what they’re talking about...

(since they've never experienced what it's like being a short guy)


It's someone who you don’t want to be like...

(short men who just gave up)

The things they say are complete nonsense.

They're not based in reality...

I’ll explain exactly why people who say these brainless things are completely wrong.

And that there's actually a scientific reason for why everyone cares so much about height

Height does matter.

Height is important.

Height 100% makes a difference in how other people treat you.

(the only person who doesn't care about your height is probably your mom...)

But I'm not just saying this.

I'm telling you...

There's actual science behind why height is so important to us humans.

Ever wonder why people are naturally more attracted to, and respectful towards taller men?


There's a real biological reason behind it!

It's not just some random feeling we all seem to share...

There's a real biological reason for why people care so much about your height!

(and why you're naturally insecure about it...)

It's hardwired into every human brain.

And it didn't just happen suddenly.

It's not like everyone just decided to be more attracted to taller men...

Or to have more respect towards them.

It didn't just randomly happen overnight...

But throughout thousands of years of human evolution.

This is why we all have a feeling that height is important, but can't really explain why...

And like with all evolution, there's a reason behind this feeling that all people feel (that height is important)

You see...

It all comes down to this simple subconscious thought process:

Tall Man


  • SAFE


Outcome = "I can survive if I listen to him"

Short Man




Outcome = "My chances of survival aren't as good if I go with him..."

Now let me explain:

Over thousands of years of human history, we lived in a dangerous environment in which three things were necessary for survival:

  • Food

  • Shelter

  • Reproduction

During these times, we lived as cavemen and nomads without much intelligence.

We had to rely completely on our physical abilities.

And guess who had the greater physical ability?


The Larger, Stronger, Taller men.

Not too shocking, is it?

(are you slowly realizing why height matters after all?)

Since the taller men had greater physical ability, it meant that they were more reliable.

The bigger and taller males were stronger and more capable of protecting and leading the tribe.

Not only were they more reliable, but they easily overpowered anyone who tried to stand against them.

It's the same way as when two lions fight for dominance.

The winner becomes the Alpha in the group, while the other must submit.

And guess who's always the Alpha for the human tribes?

Of course...

It was the Stronger, Larger, Taller, and more intimidating men.

But not everyone chose to fight.

Lions don't always fight for dominance with each other.

When a weaker lion comes across a larger lion, its natural instinct is to submit to the bigger lion.

And just like smaller lions, so too did smaller men choose the same path...

Short men always knew that they were less able than the bigger men, so to survive, they chose to submit and listen to the taller men.

All of the females within the tribe witnessed all of this.

And every female would rather be with the most capable man who could protect them, provide for them, and ensure their survival...

It’s an instinct for a better life.

That’s why they chose the tall guys.

While the ones that could not mate with the bigger men had to settle with the “leftover.”

That's why height mattered.

It wasn’t because they were “tall” but because they were more capable.

In a world where physical ability means everything, it’s a matter of life or death.

As these patterns repeated themselves through all these human tribes for many years, our brains slowly began forming this biased thinking:

Tall = Good (Always go for this)

Short = Bad (Pick only as your last option)

This is the reason why...

  • We all feel deep inside that height matters.

  • Every short guy is naturally insecure about their height.

  • Women will always choose to be with a taller man over a shorter guy.

And this is why tall men are naturally respected so much more than short men

Even though our world has completely changed since those times, our brains have largely remained the same.

We still have our monkey brains.

Deep down in our minds, we all still unconsciously perceive tall people as better and more capable.

And the truth is...

It's no longer that the tall man is objectively the better choice.

Just look as someone like Jeff Bezos, who built Amazon.com and became one of the richest men on earth.

Or Tom Cruise, another short guy who became one of the most famous and successful actors in Hollywood.

Or Napoleon Bonaparte, who once ruled over France and almost conquered all of Europe despite being so short.

So, tall men no longer have an absolute advantage nowadays!

It's the age of intelligence!

Guys can use their brain to rise to the top of society instead of raw strength and physical ability.

But that doesn't matter!

It doesn't matter because we all still have the same monkey brain that regards all tall males as naturally better than short males.

Deep down inside, we all feel that height is still the most important aspect of a man.

It's an unconscious emotion.

It's like an instinct left over from our days living in tribes...

Just because you no longer have to be tall to succeed, doesn't change the fact that they still have a HUGE unfair advantage.

You can still become successful as a short guy, but you'll have MUCH more opportunities if you're tall.

In the end, tall guys still hold the advantage...

They still have the advantage because humans are social creatures.

When you want to accomplish any major goal, you'll need to interact with others.

And in social situations, people will naturally feel like the tall guys is the more capable one.

Now you know that it's not just some random feeling we all share...

The reason why everyone feels this way is because that's how our brains actually work!

Human brains are still wired to see short males as:




And because people feel that short guys are inferior...

That's how they treat them.

And because peopel feel that tall men are superior...

That's how they treat them.

Just because someone tells you, "Height doesn't matter to me..." doesn't mean that it's true deep down inside.

Since they'er still human...

It's unavoidable to have these feelings within them.

No matter what they say to you...

They will always feel more attracted to someone taller!

It's Human Nature.


It really sucks being short...

But most people are actually upfront about how much height matters...

Especially Women...

Women are literally Obsessed with Tall guys...

and completely ignore "short guys" like they don't exist.

I feel like all you can hear nowadays are comments like this:

Only guys that are over 6 feet are real men... lol

I don't date short guys...

Don't even talk to me if you're under 6 feet.

I only like tall guys...

Sorry, I only date tall guys, but we can still be friends?

Hearing all of this hits you right in the gut...

Does it really matter that much that I'm short?!

You realize just how much of a disadvantage you have just because you're short.

They even started posting this kind of stuff on their dating profiles...

Have a look for yourself:

That’s not all...

Women these days have become so comfortable looking down on short guys that they even started posting these insults on their social media.

And don’t even get me started on all the memes you see online...

(it's like everyone just agreed to make fun of short guys...)

People just don't treat short guys the same...

They don't see you as a:


They see you as:

The Short Guy

Or only fit to be a "guy friend" (which is even worse!)

You might feel like all these girls are:





But after reading how humans evolved to think this way, you should have realized by now…

This is only human nature!

You can’t hate them for a natural feeling that’s wired into their brain.

It’s only natural for them to feel this way.

(the same way men focus so much on how attractive a girl is...)

It's just how our brains work.

Women have always been this way...

It's only now with the invention of the internet and social media, that it has become the "mainstream" to make fun of short men.

Women have always felt more attracted to taller guys

It's in their nature...

It's how their brains are wired.

And unfortunately, that’s not something we can change.

It sucks that you have such a HUGE disadvantage when it comes to dating.

But that’s not even the half of it...

There are several more disadvantages to being short.

Being short means that you’re less respected by other people...

(Not only women but other men as well)

Males largely determine hierarchy and respect based on height.

Men naturally compare each other based on height.

When tall guys are around shorter guys, they feel like they can just take control and treat them however they want.

Like someone they can just walk all over...

Because they feel like they can physically overpower you whenever they want to.

They don’t treat you as a threat...

And they don’t see you as a rival.

They just see you as:

A Short Guy

It’s their larger physical body that makes them feel more powerful.

It's their body that gives them all their confidence.

The funny thing is that...

As soon as someone even bigger comes along, they suddenly accept a more submissive position and are no longer as dominating as before.

It’s just human nature.

Here's an example to prove my point.

His name is Lyndon B. Johnson (6’ 4”)

The 36th U.S. President.

And what I want to talk about is what people famously labeled as...

"The Johnson Treatment"

Basically, he would try to get his way by using his towering height to overpower and intimidate the person he was talking to – making congressmen and senators vote the way he wanted them to vote.

He did it so often that there are numerous pictures of him while he’s doing it...

Just take a look for yourself.

And it was very effective!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have become the United States president.

He wasn't very intelligent...

He only had his towering body and intimidating presence...

This is just an example of what you already know...

Taller men naturally gain respect just because they're bigger.

And they use their larger bodies to get what they want from everyone else...

It’s like a maxed-out stat in a game.

They were just born with it...

And short guys can only wish they had those same stats.

That brings us to the next important thing....

Males with more height are obviously bigger and stronger than shorter guys

They're just more physically capable...

Taller men are stronger and more capable of protecting themselves and the people they care about.

The world is not what it used to be, but that doesn’t mean that you'll never face any danger...

Imagine walking downtown with your girlfriend and all of a sudden, a larger guy starts harassing you both.

What are you gonna do?

He’s over 6 feet tall with shoulders as tall as your head.

While you’re just some short guy looking up at him.

I can only imagine how shitty that situation would be...

What are you gonna do?

Fight him?

Try to run away while dragging your girl behind you?

You know...

Maybe martial arts would work?


Someone who knows martial arts would have a chance to beat an average joe.

But here’s a problem…

What if they also know how to fight?

They don’t even need to be much better than you to completely destroy you.

This is the reason that pro boxing has weight classes.

Because the size of your body matters!

It matters a lot.

They’re not just going to let a little guy fight against a giant.

The bigger your body, the easier it is to protect yourself and the people you care about.

And what about sports?

Do you want to be an athlete?

(just like the Olympic high jumper we’ll be talking about soon...)

Well if you’re short, that's too bad...

Taller men have a greater advantage in most sports

If you want to be a pro athlete, you better pray you to grow out of your short “phase”.

Just look at your average pro basketball player, or most football players, or even swimmers...

They all have an easier time with their sports because of their natural height.

There are obviously several more advantages to being taller, but you should alrady get the point by now.

I didn’t even need to explain these things to you since you already know all this.

So, what’s the point?

I wouldn't be going over all these things if there wasn’t a single chance for you to grow a few more inches taller.

I’m not here to make you more depressed about being short for the rest of your life.

We’ve gone through all of these to help you remember that...

Your height WILL matter for the rest of your life...

Knowing the impact of staying short is a good way to start.

So that you see just how seriously you should take this matter.

(It will literally affect the rest of your life!)

And so that you don’t slowly start believing the lie that “height doesn’t matter.”

Because you’re not overthinking it...

Your height does matter.

It matters a lot.

And only by increasing it will you enjoy the same advantages all tall men naturally have.

Even if you only grow a couple more inches...

It’s still better off than you are now...


Now imagine how much it would suck if you had to stay short for the rest of your life.

It’s a good thing that you still have one last chance to change that!

Just imagine...

Imagine how much better your life will be when you’re finally taller

(Again, I’m telling you that it’s still possible. As long as you follow the system “he” teaches!)

Imagine measuring your height and finding you have finally started one more growth spurt!

It feels almost dreamlike to say this but…

You're no longer going to be short for the rest of your life!

After committing to the same height growth system we’ll soon talk about, you'll start to see the results you’ve been dying to get!

After searching for so long, you finally found a system that’s been proven and tested.

Imagine the relief you’ll feel.

You’re finally seeing the results...

You just started growing taller!

People around you are also starting to notice something different about you...

Hey, did you become taller?” they’ll ask you.

And you’ll just smile in return.

You’ll hear them say with a warm smile, “There’s something different about you…”

They’ll feel like something changed, but they won’t be able to put a finger on it at first.

Then they’ll begin noticing your absolute confidence.


Because you can finally be confident in your own body!

The confidence you feel when you walk around...

You no longer feel so anxious all the time.

No longer thinking about making yourself appear taller because now...

Now you’re not pretending to be tall...

You are TALL.

And more and more people are beginning to show you respect and naturally treat you better.

You'll think back to how you used to be treated like crap.

Like you were invisible.

But that's no longer the case...

You notice how now all the women are paying more attention to you...

They smile at you when you walk by, trying to get your attention.

This never happened before...

It’s like suddenly you became visible to all these girls.

Like you've entered a different world!

Life is so much better now that I’m tall.


Imagine how shitty it’d be if I was still short.

But it was only possible due to the effort that you put in.

Not to mention finding the right opportunity to make the change!

You were willing to sacrifice and give it all you got.

Many others who started using this system all gave up within a month...

But you kept at it.

You kept doing the exercises and techniques knowing that it’ll pay off in the end.

(and it did...)

You knew that you’d get taller if you stuck to it, just like everyone else who stuck to it.

(and now you are...)

You succeeded when others failed because you wanted it SO BADLY!

Now, you’re different from those who are forced to stay short for the rest of their lives.

You no longer have to worry about being "short"

You can now proudly call yourself "Tall"

You already know how much better you’re life will be once you’re taller

A whole new world will open up to you...

I’m sure you’re ready now.

A real chance at growing a few more inches taller.

This will also be your last chance to grow taller.

Soon your growth plates will be completely closed.

(And after that happens, your chance is gone forever...)

So let’s clear up general misconceptions before we start.

Yes, you can still grow after 16!

But it is only possible if you put in the effort and do the right things.

And no...

Unlike what “fake grow taller gurus” tell you...

You can’t grow at any age.

There's a limit...

The HUGE misconception about height growth and why most people have it wrong...

Just because natural height growth stops around the age of 16...

(the age when puberty is ending in males)

Everyone just started to assume that height growth was no longer possible after that.

But they’re missing an important point!

Just because people’s growth usually stops, doesn’t mean it's biologically impossible to keep on growing.

During the several years after puberty, there’s still a possibility for more growth.

So in reality...

You still have one last chance to grow taller!

Let me show you a few examples so that you can see real evidence of this for yourself.

Here are some examples of men who grew taller after passing 18 years old

Are you familiar with Shaquille O’Neal?

I’m sure you are.

If not, then let me quickly introduce you to him…

Shaquille O’Neal is widely known as a retired basketball player with a towering 7’1" in height — Making him one of the biggest basketball players of all time!


Shaq is already a giant man even in his high school days.

However, I’m sure you’re not aware that even he gained another two more inches after 18?

Another good example that is outside the Athletic space is the British actor widely known in the showbiz world as the “Superman”

That’s right! It’s none other than Henry Cavill.


It’s important to know that while we see “Superman” as this tall and bulky figure of a man, it was not always like that for him…

Henry is known to be lanky during his early teens.

So it was a HUGE surprise that he was able to reach a height of 6 '1" by the time he landed the acting role that made his acting career.

Those are only some of the famous people that are well known.

There are tons more experiences of people growing taller after puberty online

And sure...

Maybe you can say that some of them are fake or they're exaggerating their experience...

And a few of them probably are.

But can you still say that when there are literally thousands of these reports online?

It’s statistically impossible for each one of these to be fake.

And you already know that it's possible to grow even after puberty.

Especially after seeing the previous examples.


Here are some more examples of guys who grew after puberty

  • “Not too crazy, but when I turned 18 I was 5’11 and then grew to 6’1 after a few months.

  • “I’m 27, I am now 5’11”. I was 5’9 at 21.

  • “I have a drinking buddy who was shorter than me when we started being drinking buddies (5'7''). He was 23. Now at 32, he is six feet. I didn't know him when he was younger, but that is something that I saw myself and got a bit shocked by. He mostly grew from 23-27.”

  • I grew about 2 inches between 20 and 25 years old as well. But I'm not sure when I exactly stopped.”

  • “I have been a little shorter than 5'7" since I was 13 and from 26-27 I grew and now I am a little taller than 5'8". I have no idea why. I get measured every year by my doctor.“

By now, any smart person can see...

Unlike what regular people think...

You can still grow after puberty!


Is it still possible to grow after puberty...?


And you should realize that there’s still a chance for you too!

After puberty, you still have one last chance to get taller

But if you wait for too long after that, your chance will be gone forever.

This is how height growth actually works

You see, it basically comes down to this...

Growth plates open = “Congrats, you can still grow taller!”

Growth plates closed = “Sorry... but it's too late now!”

Now this brings us to the question... just what the heck are growth plates?

Growth plates are zones of cartilage (like a rubbery or flexible material) at each end of long bones in the human body.

Each of these bones has at least two growth plates, one at each end.

It’s these exact areas that allow for bone growth to happen.

As you grow older, these growth plates slowly begin closing and hardening...

UNTIL they're completely closed.

And when they close completely...

It’s like that rubbery material has become as hard as the rest of the bone - thus no more growth is possible in that area.

That’s why people who claim that you can grow at any age are lying to you.

Or they might believe it's possible but don’t have any solid evidence of it ever happening.

Growth has only ever been witnessed in people who still had their growth plates open.

And when they close, any effort to increase your height is going to be meaningless...

Until scientists find a way to re-open growth plates, it’ll be impossible to grow taller with closed growth plates.

(Now before your growth plates close and it becomes too late for you, you need to get your body to start growing again ASAP)

Here’s the most important part for you to know…

Growth plates don’t suddenly close on your 16th birthday

They don’t just close the day after puberty ends.

It’s ACTUALLY a very slow and drawn-out process.

For females, it happens at a much earlier age.

Around 15 - 18 years old.

But for males...

We got lucky.

In men, growth plates go through the process of closing during the period between the end of puberty and around the age of 25.

Although different for each person, after the age of 25, you can be sure that the majority of men have completed all the growth that will be possible in their lifetime.

(But there have been several cases of them closing several years later…)

When exactly they finish closing is still not determined.

In some guys, the plates close earlier than 25.

And in others, they close later.

In truth, you won't know for certain if your growth plates are still open or closed just by your age.

There's really only one way to know for sure...

And that’s to get several X-rays done on your legs and spine.

But those are quite expensive and could cost upwards of a couple thousand dollars.

In reality...

It could be that you're one of the people who had their growth plates closed earlier than 25...

But if you don’t want to waste time getting an x-ray done...

And want to take a chance and believe in yourself instead...

You can still be sure tha you have a shot until the age of 25.

After 25, it would be very rare for a male to still have his growth plates open.

So if you’re under 25, you can still have hope of growing taller.


I need to mention that everyone's body is unique.

And you probably already heard of some stories where people grew up later than 25.

You might ask:

But what about all those people who have grown in their late 20's and early 30's?

And the answer is obvious.

They still had their growth plates open at the time.

Unlike the average, in these cases, the growth plates closed at a much later age.

And although it’s rare, it still does happen.

So you never know…

There have been quite a few cases where they stayed open for several more years past 25.

The most important thing for you to know is not to miss this last chance you have right now.

You need to start as soon as you can!

The longer you wait to start, the harder it’ll be... until you reach a point where it's no longer possible.

Now let’s talk about genetics....

Because there is also a HUGE misconception with how people think about genetics!

People say that your genetics determine how tall you’ll be...

And that’s 100% right!

You can't deny that...

But here’s the thing that most people misunderstand about genetic height…

Genetics is not a single number.

It’s not like they program your body to be exactly 5’ 4”

Or that you’re going to be exactly 5’ 7"


It’s not a single predetermined number.

It’s a range of possibilities.

Your genetic potential is more of the range of possible heights that your body is capable of becoming.

What determines the height that you’ll actually reach, and if you’re able to maximize your genetic potential is the "environment."

That means everything that's not genetics.

These include:

  • Lifestyle choices.

  • How well you sleep.

  • The things you do. Your habits and behaviors. Exercise and sports.

  • The food you eat. Is it fast food? or healthy meals? do you do any drugs?

  • Stress levels, trauma, emotions, and thoughts.

Your "environment" is the type of life you live.

This is why you see so many athletes that have had late growth spurts (after 18 years old)

It's because their "environment" is better and more suited for potential growth.

You always see them exercise, eat healthy food, optimize their sleep schedule, etc.

And the system that you’ll get to learn does exactly this

(Plus one more important step, which Rustam says is THE most important for growth...)

Over the years it has been perfected to the point where it has consistently shown to help guys reach their maximum genetic potential.

But you might ask...

What if everyone in my family is short?

Does that mean I don’t have the genetic potential to be tall?

I have good news for you!

Just because everyone in your family is short, doesn’t mean that you have "short" genetics

It doesn't mean that your genetics are bad and you're doomed to be short for the rest of your life...

It’s more likely than not that you have the genetics to be taller!

And to prove the point, just look at all the tall people who’ve come out of short households.

A famous example would be Michael Jordan.

Everyone in his family was under 5’9” and yet he was able to grow all the up to 6’ 6”

What’s crazy is that he also had a late growth spurt at 18 where he shot up from 5’10” all the way to 6’6”

So remember, you’re not going to be breaking the laws of nature and growing taller than your genetics allow.

That’s impossible!

Instead, with this system...

You'll reach the maximum potential height that your genetics allow for.

That’s why I can’t say exactly how tall you’ll be able to grow.

(again, it’s different for each person…)

The bottom line is this…

When you don’t do the things that promote growth after puberty, you’ll likely end up around the middle of your possible height range.

So you still have room to grow!

As long as you follow the right system that has been designed specifically for this.

And I’m not gonna lie...

This system is not a magic pill that will make you taller overnight!

It won’t be easy, nor will it be quick.

It’s not a “GROW 10 INCHES IN ONLY 2 WEEKS AT ANY AGE!” scam that you might see online.

You will most likely not see any noticeable results within a short two weeks.

Plus, you can't use this system to grow at any age...

After your growth plates close, your chance will be gone.

This is real life.

It’s a serious and proven system for height growth.

And it will take consistent effort and several months to see results.

It's not that the system itself is hard…

It’s that staying committed and disciplined for several months will be the hard part.

But it won't be nearly as hard as being forced to live as a short guy for the rest of your life...

And just like starting any new habit, it's hard…

But it will be worth it.

And many other people who start, will probably just end up quitting after a few weeks.

Because they want fast results.

They want to grow two inches in the next week…


That’s impossible, even during normal growth throughout puberty.

The body has a natural speed for these types of functions, and you can't force it to grow faster than it's capable of growing.

What you can do is provide the best environment, and correct inputs to promote growth.

Just like how a healthy diet will cause hair to grow quickly...

WHILE doing drugs will slow down your hair growth.

So if you’re expecting this system to help you grow an inch in a week, this isn’t for you.

If you’re expecting that you won’t need to put in any effort, this system is not for you.

This is only for people who accept reality and are willing to do whatever it takes to be taller!

This will be something that will affect the rest of your life.

And this will be your only chance at growing taller.

So why won’t you give it your all then?


If you’re truly serious about this.

If you’re someone who understands that results won’t come in a single week...

And if you’re ready to put in the work...

I have great news for you!

If you stay consistent, you will see actual results.

To put it simply...

If you stay committed to the program, you will grow taller

This system is real and has been used by thousands of people already!

But do keep in mind:

Real change doesn't happen overnight.

Just like you can't expect to get a six-pack in a day...

Don't expect to grow an inch in a day.

Even for the creator of the system itself.

It took him months to start seeing any results!

But when it did start, it was as quick and effortless as the growth spurt of a child.

He even says how everyone around him was amazed at how quickly he just suddenly started growing taller...

It was like another growth spurt!

And that's the basic point of this system.

You are not “making yourself taller” by doing all these exercises and techniques...

By eating the right food and avoiding all the things that will ruin your growth.


You’re creating the perfect environment, and adding the correct stimulus that tells the body to start its natural growth ability.

Exactly the same exact ability that was on during puberty.

All you need to do is give it the right signal, so it understands that you want it to start growing again...

And also the correct environment, so that it has all the tools and building blocks for growth.

The reason why almost no one ever grows again after puberty is because they don’t provide the things the body needs to begin growing again.

But in some cases, like with many professional athletes, you do see them start growing again after puberty.

And that’s because they do a few things right.

Although most of them still miss out on THE SINGLE biggest growth helper (which is a core part of the system we'll be talking about).

In truth...

Real height growth is more about creating the conditions for the body to begin growing naturally.

Unlike how most people think about height growth – that somehow it's your stretching that's lengthening your body.

You just need to put in all the right inputs for your body to start and continue this natural process.

And then BAM!

Growth spurt!

You’re not making yourself taller.

Your body is growing on its own.

Like a flip was switched and your body suddenly understood that it had a single goal: Growth.

"I must grow this body."


"I must grow it quickly!"

That's the single goal of this system.

This is why it works.

The main point of this system is to reach this biological state where your body begins growing again naturally

You could say that it's like starting an extra growth spurt.

We won’t be trying to break our bones for them to grow back bigger!

What you’ll be doing is tapping into the body's natural ability to grow the whole body on its own...

Just like what it did during puberty.

It’s like you’re telling it:

“Ok body, listen up! This is important. It’s time for you to start another growth spurt!”


I know it might sound easy.

But I’ll say it again....

It will take time and effort to reach this state.

But when you do...

You can expect your body to start growing taller again (on its own).

And you might have realized...

I’ve been talking a lot about “his” system that helps with achieving this and that...

But who exactly is this person?

(And why should you listen to “him”)

Take a seat back and let me tell you the story of this mysterious athlete…

Now, let's get to the main story.

(The famous Russian Olympic athlete was able to reach his full genetic potential and grow several more inches, even though his puberty growth spurt already ended.)

So, who am I talking about?

His name is Rustam Akhmetov.

Born in 1950, in what was then the Soviet Union, Rustam grew up as any other child at the time.

Coming from an average household, everyone in his family was short.

His father stood at 5' 5" and his mother was only 5' 2" tall.

And the rest of his family was also all short.

It always seemed that he wouldn't be much taller than everyone else in his family…

And as it turned out, he stopped growing after reaching puberty.

In the end...

His growth naturally stopped after reaching 5' 5".

(Yup, just like his dad...)

At first, he wasn't really bothered about his height…

He even said that he was never worried about being short.

But it soon hit him…

Being short sucks!

It all started around the time he was walking home…

Then he heard loud cheering coming from the nearby stadium.

Without having anything better to do, he decided to take a look.

But what he saw there would end up changing the direction of his life forever…

It was a high jumping tournament!

A sport where athletes compete to jump over a tall rail, and then land on a soft large mat lying underneath.

The point of the sport is to be the one that can jump over the tallest height.

It might be a popular sport nowadays, but back then, it wasn’t as well known.

In other words...

It was something that he’d never seen before.

I fell in love at first sight!” Rustam said after witnessing the sport firsthand.

After that day, all he could think about was high jumping.

Little did he know that...

His love for high jumping would be the reason for his Growth

Filled with excitement at the thought of joining this sport, He approached the coach.

“Hello sir, I’d like to join your high jumping team.”


“Sorry, but you can’t.” He replied.

To his surprise, the coach flat-out refused to let him join!

However, Rustam had already developed a deep obsession with this new sport.

So much so that he wouldn't let that single rejection stop him.

He wouldn’t just give up.

(Later in his life, he found out that the reason the coach didn’t let him join at first, was because he was too short!)

Because of this, he developed a new strategy: Bring Mom.

And so the next time he went over to the coach, he brought along his Mom!

She’ll definitely be able to convince the coach,” Rustam thought to himself.

And just as he expected...

It actually worked!

The coach relented and let Rustam join the high jumping team.

Finally, he was in!

He’s now officially a part of the high jumping team

In the beginning, he was improving at a rapid rate.

When he started, he could only jump over a height of 3' 11".

Then, after a year of training and practice, he was able to jump over a height of 5' 9".

But that was it for the good news...

However, after reaching a height of 5' 9", his progress suddenly stopped....

Not one inch higher.

It was frustrating him, but he didn't quit!


All of his peers had started surpassing his best jumping height.

Going from being one of the best jumpers, he was now being left behind.

And what’s worse is that this went on for the next two whole years!

(Imagine giving it your all for two years and having absolutely no progress at all...)

By that point, he was reaching the limit of his patience.

So he finally went over to the coach, and asked “Coach, why can’t I jump any higher?!”

“You told me I just need to keep practicing, but no matter how much I practice, I won’t improve!”

“I’ve been completely dedicated to this for the past two years, but I haven’t improved a single bit.”

He paused for a bit...

“I still can’t pass 5' 9"!”

His coach took a deep breath and calmly replied…

“Rustam” with a deep sigh “you’re too short. If you want to jump higher, you need to be taller.”

(Do keep in mind that Rustam was only 5' 5" in height at this point.)

As it turned out, the coach was actively trying to avoid telling him this for two whole years!

After all, he didn’t want to crush Rustam’s dream of becoming a professional high jumper.

His coach didn’t believe that Rustam would be able to just start growing taller again.

So he decided to just not say anything about it.

He had already passed puberty...

And he hadn’t grown a single inch for the last two years...

How likely is it that he can still grow taller?

What a shame, isn't it?

But to his surprise, instead of crushing his dreams, it only made Rustam more determined!

Filled with a total obsession, Rustam set his sights on growing taller!

Instead of jumping higher, he would focus on increasing his height.

Rustam wasn’t sure if it’d actually be possible, but he chose to believe in himself anyway.

He didn’t care that no one else believed in him...

He’d prove them all wrong!

“I will become taller!”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to be taller!”

“I know I can do it!”

These were the words he kept saying in his mind.

He was dead set on his new goal!

To make sure that he would stick until the end, he wrote a pledge and handed it to his coach.

This is what he wrote in his pledge:

“I, Rustam Akhmetov, promise to grow by eight centimeters in one year. I swear to pursue this goal with unwavering determination!”

And somehow this pledge gave him a newfound sense of hope – almost as if becoming taller was already guaranteed to him!

He even kept that piece of paper where he wrote his first pledge even to this day.

And so his journey began...

With his willpower and disciplined action, he would make himself grow taller!

He spent every waking moment learning everything he could about the human body and how it grows

He went around asking people everywhere if they knew how to grow taller...

(and many of them told him rumors that had been passed down through their family of how to grow taller)

He tried everything…

Every system, every technique, every method.

He even tried some more wacky things just to see if it’d have any effect.

And alas time passed…

Slowly, a completely new and unique system began to form...

More months went by…

And although there had been no growth up until now, he still hadn't given up.

UNTIL one day, he noticed something…

He noticed for the first time, that his body was actually taller!

His beliefs were being affirmed right in front of his eyes — It’s happening now!

He just started growing!

The crazy thing is that he only began noticing real results by the last few months of the first year.

Almost a whole year of dedication and results only started to appear by the end!

Imagine if he had stopped earlier...

If instead of pushing through, he stopped after a few months of not seeing any results.

He would have never become who he is today.

He wouldn’t have become an Olympic Athlete.

And he’d have stayed short for the rest of his life!

But he didn’t quit!

And that's the reason why he accomplished his goal.

This was important to him, and he was ready to do whatever it takes, and for however long it takes!

“I won’t be limited by my short height anymore”

“I will grow taller!”

The results finally appear!

It started suddenly...

It was as if he started a new growth spurt.

His height was rapidly increasing!

He could see that he was growing taller!


It’s like his body has finally finished waking up all the functions that it needs to start growing again.

He later stated, as part of his system, that the body first needs to warm up to the process of growing, before it rapidly starts growing.

It’s like all the necessary bodily functions are getting ready to help your body begin growing again since they have shut down after you stopped growing after puberty.

It's like you're telling your body to turn back the system that made your past growth spurts possible.

He also explained that getting yourself to grow can be compared to how a train begins to move. At first, it's slow and requires a lot of power. But once it has enough speed, it effortlessly pushes forward.

This is why if you’re seeking fast results, this system is not for you.

His system is not a miracle pill that will make you four inches taller in a week. But as long as you put in the work and do the right things, you will see results, just like Rustam.

And on those last few months of that year, he grew exactly 3 inches — just like what he had stated he would do in his pledge!

But the story isn’t over yet.

He didn’t stop at only an 3 inch increase.

He wanted to be even taller.

And so, another year passed…

And as you can already guess, with the help of the system he perfected, he grew even taller!

He grew another 3 inches!


Rustam said with enthusiasm!

“I want to grow even taller!”

Filled with the success of this past year, it’s like he became addicted to increasing his height.

But before he completely forgets his true goal…

And the sole reason why he started to grow taller in the first place...

His coach came over and said:

“Rustam, being too tall is also a bad thing for a high jumper.”

The coach gave him an example of a famous high jumper, Valeriy Brumel, who stood at a height of 6' 1".

He said:

“6' 1", that’s the perfect height for a high jumper.”

Having received this feedback, Rustam set his new goal: 6' 1".

(By this point, he was already standing at 5' 11" tall)

“I just need to grow 2 more inches. The ideal height for a high jumper!”

Another year passed...

And he grew exactly 2 inches taller.

He stopped using his system before reaching the full 2 inches in height because he was scared that if he didn’t, he would just keep growing even taller.

But even after he stopped...

He still ended up growing almost another inch over the following year!

He ultimately grew taller by 9 inches.

Going from 5' 5" all the way up to 6' 2" all thanks to the system he developed!

It’s crazy to think that, if he didn’t believe it was possible to make himself grow taller...

And didn’t even try…

Then he would have stayed short for the rest of his life…

But because he believed in himself, and did everything it took to grow taller, he ended up growing another 9 inches taller!

It was now time to show the world what he got...

He turned all of his attention to becoming a professional high jumper

With a career as a professional high jumper, Rustam was pretty much a natural.

Having the perfect height for a high jumper, his height was no longer limiting his potential.

And just as he dreamed of all those years before, he became a professional.

Rustam went on to win several high jumping tournaments in the:

  • Soviet Union (Russia)

  • Several more championships all throughout Europe

  • And he even participated in the 1972 Summer Olympics held in Munich, Germany! (ended up earning 6th place in the high jump)

Just as his professional career was coming to an end, he realized that he'd never lost his interest in how the human body works...

And that he still has a passion for understanding the process of growing taller.

So he decided to take the next step.

Opening a school...

A school that helps you grow taller

He didn’t have the time before.

But now that he was done with his athletic career, he was finally free to do what he had been planning.

It turns out that he’d been getting a ton of attention from people who heard about his story of growing taller...

And now they were interested in how he was able to make himself grow taller.

He realized that it wasn’t only him who wanted to be tall...

There were guys all over the country wanting to increase their height, and parents who wanted to make sure that their children grew as tall as possible.

He thought to himself…

“If I was able to do it, surely anyone who follows the same system I used can grow taller as well.”

And he was right!

If his system only managed to help him grow taller, then you can simply say that the system never worked.

But when everyone who used the very same system also experienced various degrees of height growth.

That's when you know that his system does work!

Everyone who took part in his school for height growth managed to become taller, even if only by a little bit.

Everyone who followed the same things required to make his system work grew taller.

What’s crazy is that all the younger children who took his classes managed to surpass the height of everyone in their family.

Even his own two sons!

While raising his two sons, Rustam made sure that they spent a couple of years going through the same system that he did.

He wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t have to go through the suffering of being short.

And the results speak for themselves…

His oldest son reached a height of 6' 2"...

And his younger son grew all the way to 6' 5"!

Heck, even his own two sons reached their full height potential thanks to using his system!

They were never meant to be so tall.

And yet here they are now...

After reaching their full genetic potential!

This just goes to show that...

Over and over again, the results of all the people who used Rustam’s system have proven that the system does work!

As long as you’re consistent and you do the right things, you WILL grow taller!

Rustam’s school was a massive success!

So much in fact, it made a noise all over the country.

It sparked the interest of the masses — Everyone wanted to know his system!

He was getting hundreds of letters each week all of them asking one thing…

“How can I also grow taller?”

At first, he was replying to all the letters by hand. but soon it just became too much to handle.

“I can’t spend hours every day, just writing letters back to these people!” he thought to himself.

After knowing that he couldn’t reply to everyone, Rustam decided to take the next logical step.

It was time to write a complete guidebook, a manual on his system for growing taller

So that everyone can have a chance to use it...

This later became his famous book titled:

Height: Genetics or Aspiration?

Everything that you need to know about how to grow taller using his proven system is inside that single book...

The complete system that he used to grow taller.

The thing is...

It was only famous in Russia and some of the surrounding countries (because it was only available in Russian...)

Everywhere else outside Russia didn’t even know he existed.

The good news is...

His book has just been translated into English for the first time ever!

Now, even you will have access to his effective system.

And I’ll talk more about his book and system soon...

But first...

Let’s quickly dive a bit deeper into Rustam.

Just who is he and what did he do?

Is he someone I can trust?

He’s very intelligent and highly educated. — needless to say, he’s extremely credible!

Rustam is a Researcher with a PhD, and now works as a University professor

Not only was Rustam interested in sports, but he was also interested in science and how the human body functions.

So he dedicated himself to university and earned a doctorate.

And that’s no easy feat...

It takes 8+ years to earn that university degree!

But university was only the start for Rustam...

He then became a scientific researcher, mainly focusing on athletic performance and the human body as it relates to growth.

He’s a highly regarded person in his field of study as he’s published over 90 research papers!


"Management of technical skills of highly qualified female athletes specializing in athletic jumps"

"Development and application of model characteristics for optimizing the educational and training process of qualified athletes"

"Improving the technology for managing the training process of qualified athletes"

Now he works at Ivan Franko University as a professor.

As you can see, Rustam isn’t just some random Russian online "grow taller" guru.

He's an Olympic Athlete, a highly educated academic, a scientific researcher.

The things that he says, hold much more weight because of his background, his training, and his life accomplishments...

Especially if you're looking for someone who will teach you how you can actually grow taller.

So when he’s so sure that you can still increase your height after puberty...

And when all the evidence shows that he’s right...

With people over and over again growing inches because of it...

You should take notice.

Because this is your chance.

In fact, It might just be the last chance you'll ever have to get taller.

You only need to do everything outlined in his system and stay committed to it.

The best thing is that during his years as a researcher, and after all the experience gained while managing his school…

He managed to gain new insights into height growth — improving his system even further!

Meaning that...

It’s now more effective than it ever was before!

Here’s why this system works….

I’m sure you’ve seen by now how it all comes together.

So it’s not an understatement to say that…

You can grow inches taller using Rustam's system!

(And how many more inches you’ll grow depends on your unique genetic potential....)

But you need to remember...

It won’t be quick.

You’ll need commitment and discipline.

It'll take at least a few months to get your body into a state like it was before...

During the puberty growth spurt (where growth was effortless and natural...)

And unlike what others might say, you can’t do it at any age!

(at least that has not yet been proven by science...)

You only have a short window for any last growth.

In the time between the end of puberty and around the age of 25.

Note: It might happen earlier, but this is when most male growth plates have already fused.

So you’ll need to act.

And you need to act fast.

(so you don't miss that chance!)

This system requires you to follow it exactly as stated to get the desired results.

But you can be assured to get results, as long as you stick to it...

Because as you’ve already seen...

Thousands of people have already used it and proven it successful.

Let me show you how this system works.

Your body usually ends its normal growth period at the end of puberty...

But as long as the growth plates have not completely closed...

It’s still possible for the body to keep growing!

By doing specific things outlined in this height growth system, you can start framing your body to begin growing again!

Instead of trying to “push yourself to grow taller...”

This system is focused on doing all the necessary things that will automatically put the body into a natural “growth spurt” state.

You won’t be forcing yourself to grow, but guiding the natural growth process of your body.

And you need to remember...

This process won’t start overnight.

For the average person, it'll take months to begin seeing the first signs of growth.

(In some unique cases, it can start much sooner...)

But once your growth begins...

It’ll be like you went back to when you were naturally growing during childhood.

Effortless growth!

And then you’ll just need to continue with the system so the body knows to keep growing.

How much you grow will depend on your unique genetics

As you've already learned...

Genetics is more of a range of possible heights your body can become...

Instead of a single fixed height that you must become.

The system was created to help you reach your maximum genetic height potential.

That’s the methodology behind why this system works!

It's backed by real science

It’s not claiming that you can grow at any age...

Or that you can even grow when your growth plates are closed...

Nor is it claiming that you will grow to your ideal height within only a single month...

This system is real, and that's why it's not "quick and easy"

What you’ll be doing is reaching your full genetic potential by initiating another growth spurt during the time after puberty and before the growth plates fuse completely.

It’s a natural process specifically designed to tell your body to start another growth spurt.

And the way you get your body to start its growth functions is by using this system that was designed specifically for this purpose.

Now you’ll have access to the same effective system as well

For the first time ever, this famous Russian-exclusive system for height growth is now officially available in English!

Rustam Akhmetov's, "Height: Genetics or Aspiration?"

It’s already famous within Russia as an effective system for growing taller...

And now you’ll be using it too!

His book contains everything you’ll need to start growing taller again.

All of his knowledge on human height growth from years of experience and research…

His complete methodology on how to go from your current height to your desired height.

— You’ll find it all in his book!

Not only that...

But this is also the latest Expanded Edition, with over 100 pages of new content.

Including the complete science behind height growth.

As well as all the latest practical improvements to his system.

And did I mention?

You won’t find an official English translation of his complete system anywhere else...

But first, before you buy...

Please make sure that you're someone who's ready to put in the effort that will be required.


This system is not for everyone!

(Are you one of them?)

You should only get it if you’re truly serious about putting in the work to grow taller...

If you’re ready to dedicate this next season of your life to shaping your body into your ideal self!

Just buying it will not suddenly make a person taller.

It’s only a map of how to do it...


You’ll still need to put it into effect.

This system has already been proven to work...

So now, it will depend entirely on your effort and commitment.

Don't try this system if you're not ready to commit to it for at least one full year!

It's not a magic pill.

It’s not for people who think they’re going to grow a couple of inches in the next week...

Real height growth doesn’t work like that.

Real height growth takes time.

This is only for serious people who understand that REAL growth not only takes time but consistent focus and effort too.

Not like scams that offer you a false promise of growing 10 inches at any age!

I know that might sound awesome...

But do you really believe that?

On the other hand...

This is already a proven system.

A system that has already worked for countless guys!

All they needed to start was the information on how to do it.

And once they had a complete working system to follow, they used it to increase their height.

And of course...

There have also been those who started the program but quit early and never grew taller.

…and that’s because they gave up too soon.

But you know you’re better than that, right?

You will see results if you’re serious about this.

This is not for people who don’t believe it's possible to become taller after puberty

Someone who won't even believe in themselves, won’t be able to grow no matter what.

Let me say this again...

This book is NOT for everyone!

Especially to those…

  • People who think they can grow taller overnight.

  • People who are not serious about growing taller.

  • People who are not ready to put in the work required.

  • People who don't care about staying short.

  • People who think this is a “grow taller quick” system.

But you’re different.

(That's why you're still reading this...)

Because unlike them, you know that genuine result requires genuine effort.

Now, ask yourself:

“Am I someone who’s actually serious about growing taller?”


“Do I only think that I want it?

Got your answer?


Now let’s move over to WHO IS THIS FOR…

  • It's for you if you’re tired of feeling insecure.

  • It's for you if you’re tired of being overlooked and rejected by women.

  • It's for you if you’re short and you know you can grow taller.

  • It's for you if you don’t want to be held back in your career, and surpassed by taller men.

  • It's for you if you’re an aspiring athlete who’s being limited just because of your height.

  • It's for you if you want to be strong enough to protect yourself and the people you care about.

  • It's for you if you’re tired of feeling like you’re “less of a man”

  • It's for you if you’re ready to do whatever it takes to use this last opportunity (while it's still possible...)

How much would you spend if it meant you would grow taller?

If it meant that you’d no longer have to be short for the rest of your life?




Maybe even more than that?

If you’re truly sick and tired of being short, you wouldn't even think twice about dropping thousands of dollars for each inch you get back in return.

Because it would be totally worth it!

Picture this...

This is the single opportunity that will change the quality of the rest of your life!

(..and you’re telling me that’s not even worth a thousand dollars?!)

It's that important to you.

I bet most of us would even get a second or third job and suffer working for a couple more years — Just so we could earn enough money to make that change happen!

What’s a couple of years if it means that you'll be tall for the rest of your life!


But the good news is...

You don’t need to go that path.

You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to get the whole working system...

A system proven to be effective by the thousands of people who used it.

Rustam spent his years of countless trial and error.

Maybe even more than hundreds or even thousands of dollars of testing and research, all to compile everything in this ONE SINGLE BOOK.


It's not gonna cost you $2,000 or $35,000 or $100,000...

But only 47 dollars!

You can get the whole thing, the complete expanded edition, for only 47!


Exchanging a small bit of money to achieve something you’ve always wanted...

To be taller!

A proven methodology, developed by a famous Olympic athlete turned professor and scientific researcher, that will make you taller if only you stick to it.

That's it!

But you always have to remember that it’s not a magic pill.

Systems work because people put in the effort to make it happen in the first place.

And the sooner you start...

The sooner you'll start seeing results.

And as long as you stay committed it's basically like you're buying more height for only 47 bucks!

Even if you only end up gaining a single inch, it’s still worth it!

Now ask yourself once more…

What's being taller worth to you?

How much would you spend if it meant you would grow taller?

And there's absolutely no risk to you...

100% Money Back Guarantee

We’ve talked this entire time about how Rustam’s system works and how it will help you get results.

(results will vary depending on your personal genetic potential...)

But, if for any reason you start the system but feel like you can’t keep going and want to give up, then that’s fine too.

We’re offering this because we know that not everyone who buys it will stick through to the end.

That’s why every single purchase comes with a 90-day 100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee.

You either do the system and grow taller! Or you quit and ask for a refund!

No questions asked.

There’s absolutely no risk when you start now.

So what are you waiting for?

There's no risk to giving it a try!

After you get your copy of the book, you’ll have everything you need to start growing taller

You will receive the complete system for reaching your maximum genetic height potential.

(which has been improved and updated over the past 40 years to be as effective as possible!)

After you start reading...

You'll learn several things, including:

  • Everything you'll need to know in order to start another growth spurt!

  • The complete system that countless guys used to reach their tallest possible height.

  • Over 100 exercises have proven to maximize your growth potential.

  • The exact types of exercises (which you might already be doing) that are killing your chances for growth.

  • The science behind human height growth. Everything you’d ever want to know about how it works and why (including several scientific research studies backing it up).

  • The one most important thing that if you don’t do, you won’t see any results (it's something you don’t hear people talking about in the height growth community).

  • A method to use while you sleep, that’ll help your body begin its growth spurt.

  • The correct nutrition needed to make sure your body has everything it needs to sustain growth.

  • The one method to gain around an inch in height even in your 30's (proven to work by actual research!).

And much more...


This is the latest "Expanded Edition"

With over 100 more pages of new content!

You will not find this Complete Expanded Edition (English version) anywhere else!

Rustam Akhmetov is the real deal.

You would have already heard of him if you lived in Russia...

That’s how famous he is there.

An Olympic athlete turned professor and scientific researcher

He’s not only teaching his system like any professor at school, but he has experience using it!

He went on to become one of the most accomplished high jumpers in the history of Russian sports.

(Even going on to get 6th place at high jump during the 1972 Olympics in Germany)

When he says something, people listen.

Not only is he a professional athlete and Olympian...

But a professor and scientific researcher who’s published over 90 research papers on topics ranging from human growth to sports performance.

Rustam is someone who’s dedicated his entire life to the study of the human body and growth.


You won't find anyone else like him.

This is what you call the “real deal!”

Not some anonymous "online guru" telling people that he was able to grow 10 inches in 2 weeks...

Who would you rather listen to?

His system has been proven effective over the past 40 years by thousands of people in Russia and Ukraine (and other Russian-speaking countries).

(How could it still exist after 40 years if it wasn't effective and working for the people who tried it?!)

In Russia, not only is Rustam famous...

But this complete system for height growth he developed is also popular with guys looking to grow taller!

And soon...

(Now that the English version is finally available...)

It’ll become the most popular system for height growth in the U.S., Canada, and all the other English-speaking countries.

But as for you...

You’re going to be one of the first here to have used it to grow taller!

You can later say that you were one of the very to hear about it and use it!

Hear what past students said after growing taller thanks to this system...

Alexey (St. Petersburg, Russia)

20 years old

Everyone in my family is small, but I managed to grow to 5' 9", although a couple of years ago I was 2' 2" and stopped growing. At one time, the specialists were throwing up their hands, referring to genetic factors, and only Akhmetov's methodology was able to inspire hope and faith in the impossible.

Yulia (Kiev, Ukraine)

17 years old

Rustam Fagimovich, thank you - it's a miracle! I am 17 years old, and because I’m a girl my growth zones are already closed. I have been practicing according to your recommendations for more than a year, and it allowed me to increase my height by 2 inches (5' 7"). Every day I write myself promises to grow a few millimeters. It really works!

Anna (Moscow, Russia)

18 years old

I tried everything, and I even wanted to dare to have surgery. On the forum, I read about Akhmetov's system, which helped me to increase my height by 2 inches in 20 months. I am very grateful to the author.

Ivan (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

17 years old

In my seventeen years, I managed to increase my body length by 3 inches - now I feel much more confident. I have been practicing Akhmetov's method for several years. I also played volleyball and practiced yoga several times a week.

It’s not worth staying short! especially when you now have a chance at growing taller using a proven system

Short guys have all the disadvantages you can think of:

  • While you're short, you have weaker physical ability.

  • You’ll never be as strong as someone who’s taller.

    Which puts you at a disadvantage from martial arts to team sports.

  • Women are not attracted to short guys.

  • The only types that they seem to notice are the tall “chads

  • You’re overlooked by everyone around you.

  • They instinctively think you are less capable.

  • Because others overlook you, you’ll have fewer career opportunities as well.

  • Other men will think they can walk all over you because they know that if things were to get physical, they would have the advantage.

  • You’ll always be insecure about your height.

If you stay short, you'll always be thinking about it, until the moment you become an old person sitting in a senior home.

Thinking about how much you missed out on, how unfair your life was.

It is actually absurd when you think about it.

Just how big of a disadvantage it is to stay short.

And having to carry this thought with the rest of your life is not the way to go.

Now on the flip side...

Here are all the perks of the guys who are tall

It’s not a complete list of course, but these are the most common:

  • They’re naturally respected by other people.

  • They have more career opportunities.

  • They’re the only types of guys that all the girls want to be with.

  • They have greater physical ability for sports, self-defense, and anything else that requires physicality.

  • Larger bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

When short guys bulk up...

People say they're like “angry little men” who are compensating for their height.

But when tall guys put on muscle...

Everyone calls them “hot” and “sexy

And it doesn't end there!

  • They have a greater advantage in sports.

  • They naturally attract more friends. People just want to be around them.

  • They are perceived to have a higher status.

  • They naturally attract more women.

  • They have more confidence. (and how can you not? when everyone around you likes you)

  • They don’t waste time worrying about their height.

And overall, other people just naturally treat them better – which is just human nature.

It’s amazing…

To think that Just because of a bit more height...

So many changes in how other people treat you and your opportunities in life…

(And I wouldn’t be shoving this in your face unless there was a way for you to get these same results...)

Thousands of people have already seen results with the same system you now have access to.

Now, go back to the list and replace “They” with “I

Make it your motivation instead of wasting away right now.

Because that’s who YOU could become

When you see how much of a difference it’ll make in your life when you finally get your body to go through another growth spurt...

It will be worth the effort you put in!

And the time it takes!

Now ask yourself again…

"Am I even serious about increasing my height?!"

"How much am I willing to put in?"

"Will I dedicate this next season of my life to getting all these benefits in return?"

Your answers to that will determine WHETHER or NOT this is actually for you…

Rustam’s system is proven to be true…

It actually works…

It’s worked for countless people who’ve already used it.

People have been using this same system in Russia for over 40 years to reach their maximum genetic height potential.

But because this is a real system, it requires you to put in the work.

Your body isn’t just going to start growing if you don’t do anything to make it start.

You need to give it the signal that it’s time to start another growth spurt.

The human body naturally optimizes energy for survival.

Usually, the body doesn’t recognize that increasing height will help with that.

But, when you always spend time thinking about, feeling, and taking the correct behaviors...

It’s like telling the body:

“This is important to our survival.”

“You need to begin spending all available energy to make this happen!”

The body begins to understand that this is important, because of how much effort, time, and energy you’re giving to this.

That’s why it takes time to start growing.

And when you’re always thinking about something…

Always feel the emotions associated with it...

And when you’re always taking action related to it…

It begins to understand that this is something important.

Because if it was not important, then the person in charge wouldn’t be putting so much time and energy into it.

“I better start doing what he’s telling me…”

“I better start growing!”

The body doesn’t understand words.

It only understands actions and emotions.

The more strongly you feel about growing taller...

And the more effort and time you put into doing the right things...

The more the body will understand how important it is.

This is the reason you can’t just start growing in a single week

That’s just not enough time.

That’s not long enough for the body to decide.

It needs time to decide if it should really spend the enormous amounts of energy that’ll be required for it to start another late growth spurt.

Your body always wants to save as much energy as possible...

And only when its absolutely convinced of the importance of a new function (another growth spurt), will it take action to spend its limited energy to do it.

This is also the biggest reason those online “grow taller in a week” are all scams.

The only way you will get your body to begin growing again is through time and consistency.

  • Doing the exact things that tell the body to start growing.

  • And avoiding the things that limit growth.

Until the body turns on its growth functions, and you begin another growth spurt.

If you do everything that’s required, you will see results.

If you avoid all the things that are harming your growth, then you will start seeing your desired results!

If you understand that it'll take months...

If you're ready to do whatever it takes...

Then it’s time for you to stop waiting and hoping for a miracle to happen.

And start working to make it happen!

Still looking for more proof that it's possible ?

Here let me give you a few more examples…

Take a look at this Professional basketball player who unbelievably surpassed his height after the age where people think it stops growing...

He went from 5’9 all the way to 6’7 during his early 20’s while working as an airport janitor.

Who is this person?

It's none other than Dennis Rodman!

During his career, he was the key part of championship teams for both Detroit Pistons and Chicago Bulls — making him one of the most valuable players on his team!

How about this Oscar-winning actor and director who unbelievably surpassed his height after puberty?

He went from 5’2 to 6’1 during his years in college.

Who is this person?

It’s none other than Kevin Costner.

In the late 80s and early 90s, he managed to land the perfect movie star role for the following films:

  • The Untouchables

  • Bull Durham

  • Field of Dreams.

What’s the point here?

It’s that you can still grow after puberty ends.

It’s that you still have a shot at achieving your dream height!

BUT that is only if you’re…


(You'll do whatever it takes)


(You have access to a proven system for growing taller)

And why not have both?

Especially if you really want to achieve that desired height so BADLY!

You can still increase your height!

(You read that right...)

But how much you end up growing is different for each person.

You could grow only a couple more inches taller, or you could end up growing nine more inches (like Rustam).

Or even 11 inches in some of the most extreme cases (like Dennis Rodman).

It’s different for each person because everyone has different genetics…

Meaning a different genetic potential for height growth.

A range of possible heights that you could become.

How much you’ll end up growing is not guaranteed.

What is guaranteed, is that by using this proven system, you will maximize your genetic potential and become as tall as your genetics allow.

It could be that you’ll only grow a single inch.

Or two more inches.

Or five more inches!

And in some extreme cases, upwards of eight, nine, or ten more inches!

As long as you are doing everything in his book, then you're bound to see results.

Like everyone who has used his system before you.

Just imagine how great it'll be!


At first it might be a little tough…

  • It’ll require a bit of work.

  • It’ll require some commitment.

  • Maybe a bit of lifestyle shift as well.

  • You’ll also need to quit many things that you are harming your growth potential.

But after you get the hang of it, once it becomes a habit, a way of life...

Once your body turns on its growth functions...

Once it begins another growth spurt!

Then you’ll be on the fast track to becoming taller!

Now picture these scenarios in your head…

  • Women are starting to notice you more.

  • You’re no longer being flat-out rejected by them because you're short.

  • People are starting to take you more seriously.

  • You’re no longer as insecure about your height.

  • You’re now extremely confident around other people.

  • You have greater physical ability than you didn’t have before.

After putting in those months of effort, you no longer have to live as a short guy.

In the end, It was all completely worth it!

And that’s how you grew into who you are now!

Thanks to you your own effort combined with an effective and proven system for height growth.

Congratulations, Your efforts have paid off!

The clock is ticking...

What will you do now?

Literally, your timeframe to grow has started ever since you passed puberty.

This chance to grow taller won’t last forever

This is the last window...

Your last opportunity.

Don’t take the risk of waiting any longer.

Because right now, you actually still have one more shot...

If you wait for too long…

You’ll be forced to stay short for the rest of your life.

(That’s the single thing that you do not want!)

Since this isn’t a quick and easy process, you best start as soon as you can.

If this is important to you, why would you wait any longer to become your ideal self?

To start getting all the advantages of being the “tall guy” that you’ve only wished you had up until now.

The longer you wait, the harder it’ll become...

UNTIL it becomes entirely impossible!

Thankfully, it’s still not too late for you.

So you still have a chance!

You didn’t choose to be short…

But it doesn’t mean you just have to accept it!

It doesn't mean that you no longer have any chance to improve it.

That’s what Rustam and all his students have proven right over and over again.

(that you can still grow taller even if you're short)

Yes, you didn't choose to be short.

But you can still choose to do whatever it takes to grow taller!

You can still choose to grow taller!

But this chance will only exist for a few years after puberty ends for you.

So while your growth plates are still open...

There’s still hope for you with Rustam’s system.

Your future is in your hands now.

What you decide to do with all this information, and with this rare opportunity, is up to you.

At the end of the day, you really only have two choices...

1. You can either move on with your life like nothing happened.

Completely ignore what you learned today, convincing yourself that it was fake and that it wouldn’t have worked even if you did it.

Living out the rest of your life as a short guy while silently admiring the tall guys.

Missing any chance at a better life.

Just “accepting your height” as it is now.

Basically giving up and hoping that your body magically starts growing by itself.

(OR you can take it in your own hands…)

2. Start using this proven system and completely dedicate this next season of your life to increasing your height.

So that you can come out on the other side, now as one of the tall guys...

As your ideal self!

  • If you’re done waiting, hoping, and wishing be tall...

  • If you’re sick and tired of being short...

  • If you believe in yourself...

  • If you believe that you can still increase your height...

And if you’re ready to do whatever it takes to get taller!

Then tap below and get the system integrated with your height growth plan today!